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Category Archives: Family Law

How Does a Spouse’s Wasting of Marital Assets Affect a Divorce?

When it comes to dividing property in a divorce, New York is an equitable distribution state. Most of the assets and debts acquired by either spouse during the marriage are considered marital property and are divided fairly, though not necessarily equally. The judge will take various factors into consideration in making an equitable distribution, such […]

Should You and Your Spouse Have Mirror Wills?

When a married couple plans their estate, they often create identical wills, also known as “mirror wills.” This arrangement makes sense to spouses who want the same things when they pass away. Typically, each spouse leaves all their property to the other or to their children if the other spouse dies first. Mirror wills may […]

N.Y. Legislature Mulls Bill to Establish Presumption of Shared Parenting

If you’re considering a divorce and you have minor children, it’s understandable that you might be nervous about what to expect when it comes to child custody. Under current New York law, judges apply a range of criteria to determine whether custody should be granted principally to one parent, which would leave the other parent […]

New York Adds Domestic Violence as a Factor to Consider in Equitable Distribution

New York State divorce courts now weigh domestic violence as a factor when making decisions about how to divide property among the spouses. Under a revised statute that took effect in 2020, courts must now consider “whether either party has committed an act or acts of domestic violence … against the other party and the […]

Does the COVID-19 Response Justify Modification of Visitation Rights?

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, it’s natural for parents to wonder if the risk of contracting the virus should impact their child visitation plan. New York was hit particularly hard by COVID-19, and parents may be tempted to simply keep their child at home rather than risk spread of the disease by carrying […]

Continuing to Serve Our Clients During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As you know, New York State has been seriously affected by the coronavirus. Our thoughts and prayers are with anyone who is ill or has loved ones who have been infected with COVID-19. Understandably, this public health situation has caused concern for our firm’s current and prospective clients. The pandemic has changed the way we […]


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